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HYEMIN LEE 'Drawing'

SNUH Gallery 2

February 15, 2023 - April 15, 2023

Artist Hye-min Lee grew up with a father who was a opera singers and a mother who was a doctor.
After getting married, she stopped working for a while and dreams of starting her work again.
While she was unable to work while taking care of her in-laws, she started working on her work by collecting the quilts and pieces of cloth that her grandmother had passed down to her mother. Dreaming... Every night, I would fall asleep and symbolically create a pillow with each stitch, gathering my thoughts from each day as I dreamed of finding my true self as an artist. The pieces of cloth in oriental colors, which are the accumulation of Lee Hye-min's dreams, are transformed into bronze sculptures, symbolizing the artist's firm will.
We hope that you will look at the works of artist Lee Hye-min and build your dreams for a better future and a brighter future.
Every night, as I fall asleep, I dream of becoming an artist and finding my true self. I symbolically create pillows one stitch at a time. The pieces of fabric in oriental colors that I have built up with my dreams are transformed into bronze sculptures, symbolizing the artist's determination.
We hope that you will look at the works of artist Hye-min Lee and build your dreams for a better future and a brighter future.

이혜민 작가는 성악가 아버지와 의사이신 어머니에게 성장하였다. 결혼후, 작품활동을 잠시 멈추며, 다시 시작할 작품활동을 꿈을 꾼다. 시부모님을 모시며, 활동을 못하는동안 할머니에게 어머니에게 물려받은 이불보, 천조각들을 모아 작업을 시작하였다. 꿈을 키우며 ... 매일 밤 잠들며, 예술가로서 본연의 모습을 찾고자 꿈을 키운 하루하루의 마음을 모아 한땀한땀 베개를 상징적으로 만들어나갔다. 이혜민 작가의 꿈들을 쌓아올린 동양적 색채의 천조각들은 다시 브론즈의 조각으로 변화해 가며, 단단해진 작가의 의지를 상징 하기도한다.
우리의 한순간 한순간도 마음이 모아지고 꿈들이 쌓아져 오늘이 내일이 만들어지고있지 않은지 ... 이혜민 작가의 작품을 감상하며 회망과 아름다운 미래를 향해 꿈을 쌓아 가시기를 전시에서 기대해 본다.

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