JAEROK JANG 'Another Space'
SNUH Gallery 2
August 3 - September 30, 2021
Art is typically divided into figurative art, which faithfully depicts reality, and abstract art, which aspires to the world of concepts. While figurative art reproduces reality and expresses the inner self, abstract art denies the apparent reality and is concerned with what is truly real inside. Both branches of art originate from an inner reflection on truth and pursue this authenticity in their expression.
Influenced by his mother, a calligrapher, artist Jang Jaerok has been familiar with 'ink' and its material properties from a young age. After entering the Department of Oriental Painting at Dankook University and adding depth to his work with East Asian painting techniques, he pursued a Ph.D. at Hongik University, where he began expressing 'ink' on canvas fabric. This technique is an innovative fusion that transcends Western paint materials and Oriental paper, creating new expressions and textures.
Jang Jaerok transforms visible facts into his unique artistic interpretation on the canvas. Despite the temporal gap between their origins, the cars that represent the materiality of modern society and the chandeliers of the Palace of Versailles that represent the materiality contained in classics and tradition symbolize humanity's instinctual pursuit of material. The various objects reinterpreted by Jang Jaerok using the ancient material 'ink' appear black but are not merely black, seem white but are not merely white. His realistic techniques and expressiveness provide non-linearity to linear time, deepening the contemplative experience. It is hoped that through Jang Jaerok's works, viewers will experience 'another time,' 'another space.'
장재록 작가의 "또 다른 풍경" 전시는 동양과 서양, 전통과 현대가 조화를 이루는 독창적인 작품 세계를 선보입니다. 서예가인 어머니의 영향으로 어릴 적부터 ‘먹’의 물성에 익숙했던 작가는 동양화의 깊이와 서양 캔버스를 결합해 독특한 표현 기법을 발전시켰습니다.
작품 속에서는 자동차와 샹들리에 같은 근대적이고 고전적인 상징들이 ‘먹’이라는 재료를 통해 재해석됩니다. 작가는 이를 통해 눈에 보이는 사실을 넘어서 새로운 시공간을 창조하며, 검은색과 흰색의 층위가 단순한 색감을 넘어 깊이 있는 감각적 경험을 제공합니다.
이번 전시는 현실과 비현실, 과거와 현재를 넘나드는 장재록의 작품을 통해 관람객들이 사유와 성찰의 여정을 떠나도록 초대합니다.