SANGJOONG KANG 'Garden of Life'
SNUH Gallery 2
April 15 - July 15, 2023
[Artist's Note] "The Garden of Life" is a site of the birth and demise of life. It is red blood, soul, breath, wind, emotion, desire, and will. Life was born from light. Light and life are inseparable. Life in light ensures eternal rest and peace. The dignity of life in our own lives is also tied to light. It cannot exist in darkness; a life without light is death. Human life is irreplaceable, and I believe in the necessity to preserve this noble calling. The sanctity of light is the absolute value that sustains life and a great gift bestowed upon us all. Life is the absolute affirmation towards light and a value of dignity. The values of "Light and Life" that I pursue encompass and define my artistic theme.
In my work, "Light" represents an infinite, unchangeable, and absolute value, whereas "Life" is a mutable entity, constantly changing in the fated environment of existence. The imagery expressed in the artwork symbolizes the empathy and expressive will derived between "Light and Life." Geometric patterns and vivid colors pursue aesthetic beauty. The focused use of fine brushwork and the sprayed effect of colors are the results of chance and inevitability. In the canvas, "Light and Life" achieve a precise combination of strict structure, exact forms, and vivid colors. Geometric shapes and symbolic colors reveal the order of light and life. The rigor of the work is neither merely technical skill nor limited to aesthetic beauty—it is an effort to make visible, not merely to reproduce the visible. Each step towards completion of the work is marked by brush strokes of fear and curiosity. The brush touches are controlled, emotional, rough expressions, concise, and strict.
강상중 작가의 "생명의 정원" 전시는 생명과 빛의 관계를 탐구하는 작품들을 통해 관람객을 초대합니다.
생명은 빛에서 태어나며, 빛은 생명의 존엄성과 가치를 상징합니다. 작품 속에서 빛은 영원하고 절대적인 존재로, 생명은 끊임없이 변화하는 운명적 실체로 표현됩니다. 기하학적 패턴과 선명한 색감은 생명의 흐름을 시각적으로 구현하며, 작가의 정교한 붓놀림과 우연의 흔적은 생명의 섬세함과 강렬함을 동시에 드러냅니다.
이번 전시에서는 "빛과 생명"이라는 주제를 바탕으로, 인간 존재의 존엄성과 삶의 소중함에 대한 깊은 성찰을 담았습니다. 생명과 빛이 어우러진 작품 세계를 통해 생명의 본질과 가치를 재발견하는 시간이 되기를 바랍니다.